
You may pick up bear orphans on your adventure trips. They will be put in the nursery and you have to take care of them with love and care!

They will grow up into an adult of the same race and gender, but their faction will have much to do with their upbringing!

Just a few things you need to take note of:

  • G0 characters can adopt up to 8 G1 babies, G1 characters can adopt up to 6 G2 babies and G2 characters can adopt up to 3 G2 babies

  • Same as characters, babies come with 5 classes including Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythical. Higher-class babies have a higher chance of transforming into higher-class adults. However, each time you interact with your fur baby there is a chance to improve his/her class.

Probability of Improving Class
Profession Aptitude

Give a Bath


Read a Book


Play Together


Increase the chance of becoming a Bandit

See a Doctor


Give a Snack


Give a Training


Increase the chance of becoming a Bounty Hunter

  • You can only interact with your baby once every 24 hours and after 5 interactions, they will grow up into an adult!

  • Looking after babies requires CLAW or certain types of props which can be acquired through taking adventure trips, or purchasing from the Store or the Marketplace.

Last updated